

I really don't like popcorn. I don't like going to movie theaters because of the crowds and the smell of popcorn everywhere. I don't like the texture either. Basically, everything about popcorn is weird and annoying.

Mark and I have bought our first home together. We love it so much. It is perfect for what we need and want. But, we are going to be updating it a little bit. We have started interviewing contractors and getting ideas for what we want to do with the house. Not to brag, but our house is going to be bomb. Or as Mark likes to say: "Bang. Our house is going to be bang." (?)

We want to do as much of the work as possible on our own. First thing to go? The popcorn ceiling. Mark hates it even more than I hate real popcorn. Basically, you just spray the ceiling with water and then scrape it off. It is pretty easy...just time consuming and messy.

We started off with a regular spray bottle but then upgraded to this doodah. We both felt cool and hardcore using this. We had to remember to share with each other.

Believe me, the face masks were essential. We weren't being dramatic. That stuff got EVERYWHERE. So, Mark just cranked an oldies station on Pandora and we bonded over ridding our home of the ugly popcorn.